Apologetics - Reasons for Faith

Who Are the Children of God?
All men are God's creatures, but only those who receive Christ are his children.     #1004

The Good Shepherd
He is the Good Shepherd because he gave his life for the sheep.     #1055

Lord, Don't You Care?
Two questions for us: Does He really care for us? and where is our faith?     #1058

He Came, He Saw, He Captivated
Jesus saw more than the world saw in the men he called to be his disciples. He meets men where they are and says, "Follow me."     #1114

The Double Grip
Jesus never forces himself on anyone. But once you reach out and take his hand, he will allow no one to snatch you away.     #1145

One Lost Is Too Many
God is not so concerned with how you got lost as he is that you be found.     #1151

Who's Catching Whom?
Honest questions or intellectual ping-pong? Jesus is our model for how we deal with theological game playing.     #1156

Open Our Eyes, Lord
Jesus is always available if we look to him and not at our circumstances.     #1185

The Battle Is Joined
As Satan plots against us, ultimately God weaves it all into his pattern.     #1191

The Proof of the Pudding
God has revealed himself in some measure to all. As we respond, he gives more light and revelation.     #1198

Can't You Lead a Good Life Without Christ?
God has revealed himself in some measure to all. As we respond, he gives more light and revelation.     #1202

Thou Art My Refuge
A glimpse at the "hint" of God that exists in virtually every culture.     #1653

Hearing The Good Shepherd
As Guest Speaker to Truro Parish in 1993     #5231

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Copyright 2018, John W. Howe