The Book of Acts (continued)
13. Barnabas: Son of Encouragement #2277a 35:53
14. Peter and Cornelius #2277b 36:50
15. Death and Deliverance #2278a 36:53
16. Turning to the Gentiles #2278b 30:54
17. The First Missionary Journey #2279a 27:39
18. The Jerusalem Council #2279b 35:05
19. The Most Unlikely Fellowship #2280a 41:02
20. Good Infection, or Bad? #2280b 30:54
21. Into What Baptism? #2281a 34:31
22. Courage and Despair #2281b 34:49
23. On Trial for Christ #2282a 30:25
24. Prisoner, and Yet... #2282b 33:39
New Testament Teachings
Copyright 2018, John W. Howe