All Sermons of Early Years

Sermon – Jan. 9, 1977     #1004b

Who's Fool Are You?
Sermon – Dec. 4, 1977     #BB-8

The Weight Of Glory
Message from Friday Night Prayer and Praise     #618

Jesus In Your Business
Letting Jesus into your business changes your business, then changes you.     #1002

Who Are the Children of God?
All men are God's creatures, but only those who receive Christ are his children.     #1004

Do You Know Your Faults?
Seeing ourselves as God see us.     #1010

Count The Cost
The unambiguous claim to pre-eminence that Jesus has in all things.     #1011

Do This and You Shall Prosper
God doesn't need our money, but we need to give it.     #1013

Follow Me
Whatever stands in the way of commitment must go!     #1015

You Must Be Born Again
The absolute imperative of personal conversion to Christ.     #1023

A Better Country
America's greatest triumphs point beyond themselves to the Kingdom of Christ.     #1031

The Occult: Why Settle For A Counterfeit?
The occult is not nonsense, not neutral, and not necessary.     #1046

Three Kinds of Faith
The faith that God can use me, the faith to trust, and the faith to experiment.     #1047

Consider the Evidence
The resurrection is the only possible explanation of the empty tomb.     #1053

The Good Shepherd
He is the Good Shepherd because he gave his life for the sheep.     #1055

Background Of Pentecost
The pre-Christian feast of Pentecost (first fruits).     #1057

Lord, Don't You Care?
Two questions for us: Does He really care for us? and where is our faith?     #1058

No Mighty Works
Faith chooses to believe God in spite of evidence to the contrary.     #1059

Who Are The Ministers?
We are created to minister to the Lord and to others. How to discover your ministry.     #1060

Thanksgiving Service
If we are thankful only for material abundance, we have missed the point of Thanksgiving.     #1065

How To Pray For Your Country
A call to repentance in the midst of the hostage crisis in Iran.     #1066

A Little Easter Magic
In a moment of time the whole world was changed: they put God into hell, and hell was destroyed.     #1070

That They Might Be One
A follow-up/response to the Shrine Mont '80 Family Conference in the light of Jesus' High Priestly Prayer for his church.     #1073

Pentecost: Birthday or Coronation?
Pentecost was not "the church's birthday" – it was its coronation.     #1074

The True Center Of The Universe
The Tabernacle and the paraphernalia of worship in the Old Testament were shadows or copies of the true reality – the lamb who was slain also opens the seals. (Recording is truncated; ends short of actual sermon)     #1075

Who Does Jesus Think He Is?
There is no doubt as to who Jesus thought he was-- he thought he was God. The real question is: who do you think he is?     #1076

If You Obey
The key to faith is believing-- and acting upon-- the promises of God.     #1079

Listen To The Word
The Story of Mary and Martha – there's something even more important than serving.     #1080

Pray Without Ceasing
Two parables teach us to be persistent in prayer-- not to change God's mind, but to bring our will into agreement with his.     #1081

Divas and Lazarus
An O'Henry twist to a parable that seems obvious-- we won't get to heaven because of good works, but we are to do good works because of heaven.     #1083

Where Are The Nine?
The one thankful leper was the only one who was truly healed.     #1084

Zacchaeus, The Little Big Man
We know only four things about Zacchaeus, but they are sufficient.     #1086

Rendezvous with Destiny
God's man will only fulfill God's destiny as he relies on God's Spirit.     #1089

The Eyes of the Blind Shall Be Opened
God's purpose in allowing illness is always to bring glory into our lives.     #1092

The Royal Priesthood
God intends for all of his people to be "priests" of the living church.     #1096

Glorify Your Son
Are you really worshipping Jesus when you come to church, or are you just going through the motions?     #1097

Do You Have Trouble Being a Christian?
Make yourself available to God and claim you Christian birthright...the Holy Spirit.     #1098

My Father's Business
A meaningful glimpse into the adolescence of Jesus and the implications of his behavior for our lives today     #1112

Nathaniel – The Guileless
The call of Nathaniel, an "Israelite in whom there is no guile," is shown in light of the story of Jacob, the first Israelite and a man full of guile.     #1113

He Came, He Saw, He Captivated
Jesus saw more than the world saw in the men he called to be his disciples. He meets men where they are and says, "Follow me."     #1114

With The Holy Spirit And With Power
Jesus came to minister to the whole man. He practiced what he preached, demonstrating the power of God set against the power of the evil one.     #1115

He Will, if He Can
God's willingness to put limits on the use of his power     #1116

God's Atonement, Our Jubilee
Our jubilee is based on God's atonement     #1117

Living Stones in a Living Temple
As Jesus drove out corruption from his Father's house, he would now drive out corruption from us.     #1118

Who Are You?
When you know who you are in Christ, the impossible becomes a reality.     #1119

Why Did Jesus Die?
Jesus' death didn't just happen... rather it was the very reason he came to Earth.     #1120

He Is Risen – Hallelujah!
For some, Easter is a matter of honoring the dead, for others it is the victory of resurrection.     #1121

To Know Christ and Make Him Known
A desire for truth about the Lord will lead to knowledge, commitment and a willingness to spread the word.     #1122

Let's Go Get The Land
An encouraging update on how God is enabling the Truro Church to move forward.     #1123

Fire In Ecuador
Dr. Howe offers testimony of a wonderful awakening among the clergy in Ecuador.     #1124

Three Relationships with the Spirit
Jesus promises belivers three things about the Holy Spirit: he is with you, he shall be in you, and he shall come upon you with power.     #1125

Therefore The Redeemed
Once people have actually experienced the touch of Jesus, how can they keep quiet about it?     #1126

Who Do You Say That I Am?
Jesus asked this question of Peter. He also askes it of you.     #1127

Salted with Fire
God's holiness tolerates no sin. Will you allow him to burn away yours?     #1128

God's Purpose or His Permission
The law gives us a standard, but Jesus came to give us God's highest and best. Particularly in our marriages must we choose between God's minimum and his best.     #1129

Not So With You
If we want to share in Jesus' glory, we have to learn his way of servanthood.     #1130

I Sing a Song of the Saints of God
Four lovely portraits of contemporary saints who have touched John Howe's life.     #1131

The Widow's Mites
The spirit of generosity that moved the widow to give all she had can move you, too.     #1132

His Steadfast Love Endures Forever
A look back over seven years at Truro to see God's faithfulness to us as we are faithful to him.     #1133

Alternative to Destruction
As John the Baptist prepared the way for the Lord Jesus, so our repentance prepares the way for our salvation.     #1134

Why Bethlehem?
God weaves together many symbolic threads in choosing Bethlehem as the birthplace for his son.     #1135

A Hole In The Wall
When Jesus entered human history he came to an out of the way place in an unassuming way.     #1136

The Anointed One
The Holy Spirit anointed Jesus before he could begin his ministry. His anointing is also for believers today.     #1137

The Joy of the Lord
When we choose unity under God, his strength is released in us.     #1138

The Word Is Near You

Poured Out Wine
As we mature in our faith, our ways of observing Lent change, but all are correct and equally important.     #1140

Take Heed Lest You Fall
Too often we take for granted our relationship with God, rather than standing in awe of his free gift of grace.     #1141

Watch With Me
Jesus, God among us, exposes his human need for fellowship in a time of agonizing solitude.     #1142

Come and See; Go and Tell
The tomb is empty! We're invited to come see for ourselves and commanded to go and tell the world that Jesus, indeed has risen.     #1143

Feed My Sheep
Jesus calls us into his service, particularly that of teaching the "little ones".     #1144

The Double Grip
Jesus never forces himself on anyone. But once you reach out and take his hand, he will allow no one to snatch you away.     #1145

Keep My Commandments
We quench the work of the Holy Spirit within us when we resist the will of God in our lives.     #1146

Explosion of Ministries
Don't miss the point of Pentecost. Focus on the purpose for the empowering of the Spirit, rather than the empowering itself.     #1147

To Love One Another
Whatever else the Lord calls us to do, his commandment that we love one another should be our first priority.     #1148

Measure Everything By Love
A challenge to the people of Truro to use love as the standard by which we measure all we do and say, both individually and corporately.     #1149

The Fullness Of Life
If you're full of the life of God – what spills out when someone bumps against you?     #1150

One Lost Is Too Many
God is not so concerned with how you got lost as he is that you be found.     #1151

The Best Is Yet To Come
Regardless of how good this life on Earth has been, it's a "wilderness" compared to the Promised Land that awaits us all. Tabernacles is a celebration of that fulfillment.     #1152

Increase Our Faith
Our faith only grows when we choose to trust God in spite of the fact that our prayers are apparently frustrated.     #1153

Keep Praying; Don't Lose Heart
Do we use our prayers to truly seek God's will for us, or as a last resort when all else fails?     #1154

A Call to Repentance
Sin wrapped in the cloak of religion is an abomination to God. But sin covered by repentance is totally washed away.     #1155

Who's Catching Whom?
Honest questions or intellectual ping-pong? Jesus is our model for how we deal with theological game playing.     #1156

What Did You Do With My Money?
If we truly belong to God, tithing is not a lofty goal to be obtained by the most spiritual. Rather, it's the minimum standard of obedience for the Christian.     #1157

The Anointing Spirit
If Jesus needed the Spirit of God to equip him for his ministry, how much more should we be dependent on this special anointing from God?     #1158

Mary and Joseph
Which is the greatest miracle: that God came to earth as a man, or that Mary and Joseph said "Yes" to God?     #1159

The First Noel (Part I)
Simple shepherds-- the first to know of Christ's humble birth and the most likely to identify with his ministry.     #1160a

The First Noel (Part II)
Simple shepherds~~ the first to know of Christ's humble birth and the most likely to identify with his ministry.     #1160b

Jesus the Worshipper
During Epiphany, Jesus shifts from being the focus of worship to being the model for worship. Spending quality time with the Father is a high priority.     #1161

The Slaughter Of The Innocents
A factual and thoughtful look at the extent of abortion in America today (Sermon: Right to Life Weekend: 1984)     #1162a

The Foolishness of God
It is only when we are truly weak that Jesus can be strong within us.     #1163

Renewing Your Marriage
Marriage is intended for human enjoyment and to bear witness to the nature of God. This sermon on the commitment of marriage is followed by reaffirmation of vows.     #1164

Don't Be Anxious
God may allow difficult circumstances into your life, not to correct you, but to perfect you.     #1165

Kept By God

Saturated by the Spirit
When the oil of the Holy Spirit stops saturating us we begin to burn out. When it's flowing we are aflame with the light without being consumed.     #1167

Fire In My Bones
God demands that we speak his Word into a hostile society that condones many types of immorality.     #1168

Father Make Us One
Report on trip to Fiji Islands: Sharing our Ministries Abroad Conference     #1169

Keys To The Kingdom
Friday Night Teaching: Report on trip to Fiji Islands: Sharing our Ministries Abroad Conference     #1169b

God Hates Sin.... But Loves Sinners
Can God's mind be changed? The choice is ours.     #1170

Whatever He Says to You, Do It
God is more interested in what we do than in what we say.     #1171

A Servant Church
A challenge for each of us to be what God calls us to be.     #1172

Put More In: Get More Out
Does your money stand between you and the real God?     #1173

What Did You Do With My Money?
The stewardship question in a nutshell. God wants to bless us.     #1174

The Emperor and the Innkeeper
One took; the other gave. Can you identify with either?     #1175

Be Not Amazed
Jesus is the world's unique example of a man who claimed to be God, acted like it and proved it.     #1176

Are You Going To Heaven
The most important question one could be asked: "Do you know that you know?"     #1177

God's Plan for Your Life
In all your circumstances, dare to believe God has a plan for you based on his love for you.     #1178

Of God or of Satan?
Jesus' purposes for us are diametrically opposed to Satan's, and we can build our life on that truth.     #1179

Implementing the Vision
The same qualities that Joshua had, we too need, to carry out God's vision for us.     #1180

Anniversary Waltz
Jesus can transform ordinariness into celebration. The key is mutual submission in love and submission to Jesus.     #1181

The Church of Jesus is infected with worldliness. The only solution is repentance and "flat out for Jesus."     #1182

He Is Preparing a Place for You
Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles are a three-fold celebration of God's deliverance and destiny for us.     #1184

Open Our Eyes, Lord
Jesus is always available if we look to him and not at our circumstances.     #1185

Not Far from the Kingdom
Do we love God and our neighbor enough to cast aside whatever may hinder our love?     #1186

The Lord Has Need of It
God has given us a command, a promise and a privilege to help fulfill his mission.     #1187

1986 – A Year Of Evangelism

Ready or Not, Here I Come
God can't do what he wants to in our lives unless we are willing to repent and change.     #1189

A Psalm for Christmas Eve
God loves you enough that he sent his very best so you could see what he is like.     #1190

The Battle Is Joined
As Satan plots against us, ultimately God weaves it all into his pattern.     #1191

Multiply the Ministry
The whole point of Jesus' ministry was to increase the anointing.     #1192

His Blessings or His Presence?
What are you really seeking? There's a difference between seeking signs and wonders and seeking God.     #1193

The Goal of Your Life
No matter how hard you try, you can never achieve righteousness on your own.     #1194

The Meaning of Easter
Other religions depend on laws or teaching. Only Christianity depends of the life and death of a man-- Jesus.     #1195

Worthy To Be Praised: Part 1
"The Shepherd and the Lamb" The primary purpose of worship is to bless God. Scripture tells us how.     #1197a

Worthy To Be Praised: Part 2
"In Spirit and in Truth" The primary purpose of worship is to bless God. Scripture tells us how.     #1197b

The Proof of the Pudding
God has revealed himself in some measure to all. As we respond, he gives more light and revelation.     #1198

The Lord Under My Roof

Obstacles or Opportunities
Trust God with your limitations-- that he might make them opportunities for your success and glory.     #1200

The Church That Changes the World
We need to be so available to God that he can use us to literally change the world.     #1201

Can't You Lead a Good Life Without Christ?
God has revealed himself in some measure to all. As we respond, he gives more light and revelation.     #1202

Come Up Higher
God is not against our desire for greatness, but his way of achieving it is diametrically opposed to the world's.     #1203

A Generation for Jesus
There is no higher priority than teaching our children to know and love God. We need to count the cost.     #1204

Out Came this Calf
When God seems distant, it is our choice whether we turn to him or half-gods.     #1205

You Must Forgive
Forgiveness is not a matter of faith or feelings-- it is commanded by Jesus.     #1206

A Call to Prayer
Jesus searched the mind of the Father through prayer; we need to do likewise to know his will for us.     #1207

This Present -- The World's Last Night?
Out of mercy the Lord has delayed his return. Are you living this day in the light of that one?     #1209

Christmas Shame and Glory
Sermon – Christmas Eve, 1986     #1211

Lo, He Comes
Part 3 of a mini-series of sermons. The Sheep and the Goats     #1220

Oh, How He Loves You And Me
God Loves Us     #1238

But If Not...
We know our God is able to deliver us; but if not...     #1242

Take Care How You Build
John W. Howe's final sermon as rector of the parish     #1243

Eagle Christians
The king of birds as an example of faith.     #1610

Dying for Lack of Discipline (Sex Outside of Marriage)
Sexual temptations are a reality to even the most committed Christians. The allure is great, but the consequences are many.     #1635

Jethro's Advice
Friday Night Teaching on Exodus 18: 13-23     #1651

Thou Art My Refuge
A glimpse at the "hint" of God that exists in virtually every culture.     #1653

Could I be missing God?     #1697

That I May Know Him
The personal testimony of John W. Howe.     #2902

Why Do the Righteous Suffer?
A moving teaching on "the most difficult passage in the Bible."     #2905

Worship As An Expression Of Renewal
Worship is more that an expression of renewal – it must be the center of the renewal experience. An address to a meeting of Province II Leaders in Albany, NY.     #2906

Teaching Priests
The vital need of priests to study, know, and teach the scriptures is examined. An address to a meeting of Province II Leaders in Albany, NY.     #2907

Hearing The Good Shepherd
As Guest Speaker to Truro Parish in 1993     #5231

Sermon Categories

Copyright 2018, John W. Howe