Sin and Repentance

Living Stones in a Living Temple
As Jesus drove out corruption from his Father's house, he would now drive out corruption from us.     #1118

Salted with Fire
God's holiness tolerates no sin. Will you allow him to burn away yours?     #1128

A Call to Repentance
Sin wrapped in the cloak of religion is an abomination to God. But sin covered by repentance is totally washed away.     #1155

God Hates Sin.... But Loves Sinners
Can God's mind be changed? The choice is ours.     #1170

The Church of Jesus is infected with worldliness. The only solution is repentance and "flat out for Jesus."     #1182

Ready or Not, Here I Come
God can't do what he wants to in our lives unless we are willing to repent and change.     #1189

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Copyright 2018, John W. Howe